Monday, 25 June 2012

Keeping those winter pounds at bay - Favourite fitness blogger

So as many of you know i am a huge fan of Yoga, doing power yoga 4-5 times a week. but it can be super hard to get to classes on time, or sometimes to force yourself to leave the house and face the cold winter air!

So i thought i'd share my favourite fitness blogger: Cassey Ho from Blogilaties

She is absolutely gorgeous (major hair envy!) and super fit!

She does a whole bunch of youtube videos all inspired from pilates.

Her videos are absolutely 'CRAY CRAY' as she would put it, giving you a complete cardio and toning workout from the comfort of your own home. And because she is so happy and excited in her videos it really encourages you to do the whole video (no cheeky breathers just coz she can't really see you).

So as it gets colder and many of reach for our super high calorie comfort foods (mmm tim tams....) and turn into epic couch potatoes for the rest of winter. Cassie's workout videos really help you to get in your 30mins-1h daily work out in.

Even though it's not summer here and i definatly won't be wearing a bikini any time soon i still love her Bikini blaster workouts - super hard! try it out!

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